(no subject)

Feb 12, 2006 22:43

Sometimes I just can't help but feel like my screennames. Just... small. Overlooked. At least I've pretty well stopped using the really "you're a horrible person" name. Obviously, I should never be allowed to pick my own names. :)

And I really don't have any reason for it at the moment. Think I'm just tired of fighting all the same battles all the time.

Weekend was decent. Went to SpaWorld again on Saturday, this time getting the Asian floor. I think I might like the other floor better - it has the shark, and lawn chairs in the outdoor baths. The outdoor bath on the Asian floor was quite pretty though. And it smelled of pineapple. :)

Today was pretty much just relaxing while Laura stole Alyson's kitchen to make chocolates. Pretty low-key.

Oh, on Friday while we were watching WaraKin, I got to pull out my shark geekery. Different geinin had to do challenges, and a small panel would decide how much money they got for completing them. HG had to hump (for a count of 3) an old bitchy lady who absolutely hated him (before he did the challenge, even). Regular got set on fire. Another combi had to be shark bait. I was only half paying attention, but out of the corner of my eye I saw this massive brown spotted fish. "Oh, that's easy - that's a whale shark. They're harmless. And kinda cute." Then I went on to inform Laura that if they really wanted a harmless shark that looked scary, then basking sharks were where it's at. Which then got me going about Goblin sharks, (also apparently harmless to humans, though they're the shark equivalent of Yonehana, so your eyes suffer quite a bit) which led to googling for pictures of them in order to frighten my friends. I used to be such a shark geek. It's something I really wish I had kept up more - they're still completely fascinating to me. Don't know why I stopped.

Also: I've really really been... pulled? to do some major photo stuff lately. Like I'm falling to pieces because I've not been looking at things right. I don't know, it's hard to explain. But I've had several days where I feel like just calling up work to say "Nope, sorry, I quit; I'll be doing photography from now on." Somebody tell me this is a bad idea?

tv, sigh, fish, photography, geek, random

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