Nov 21, 2012 22:47
Quick update-y notes.
- Finally back on track with eating.
- Three-day weekend coming up!
- Going to the Kaiyukan with Boy the day after tomorrow! I am excited!
- Thanksgiving dinner with people on Saturday!
- I got my mid-year evaluation back from Head Office and it's really quite good. On a scale of 0 (I suck and need retraining) to 5 (I am so awesome I should be running this show) I gave myself mostly 3s because I'm not quite as comfortable in this level as I am in Nursery, but in all categories except two my Head Teacher and Head Office both ranked me higher than I did myself. I even averaged out to 5s in a couple of categories!
- And more proof that Head Office likes me: At the start of October I asked for November 30th off, but I never heard back from Head Office about it. Then the cover schedule came out, and I wasn't on it, and the day was closed. So I asked my Head Teacher, and she called up Head Office, and it turns out the fax machine ate my request. But they're going to let me have it anyway and rework the cover schedule for me. I was ready to give it up, since I mostly wanted it for a mental health day and being sick last week kinda helped with that, but yeah, I'll take it!
i win,
boys boys boys,