Mar 07, 2012 23:32
1. Talked to my KanJu fangirl friend who works at the combini near work - she hit for one show, out of about 20 ballots.
2. I'm glad I talked to my manager about ordering the NYC furitsuke dvd when JE sent out that email the other month, because they sent it to my school instead of to my home. So when they picked up the mail at work and there was something addressed to me from Johnny's it wasn't as weird as it could have been.
3. Went to see Dots' Heianyuki movie thingie today. It was AMAZING. If you have the chance to see it in the theater, DO IT. If it comes out on dvd, BUY IT.
4. Really bad headache yesterday and today. Not migraine, but.... I prolly should have gone home anyway. Partway through the morning I realized I couldn't really look at the kids in my class because so many of them were wearing stripes, and it was making my head hurt worse. Between yesterday and today I think every single one of my coworkers said some variation on "Are you ok? You look even paler than usual."
5. Still need to write my letter to Akito before I go to his play this weekend.
kansai jrs.,