Mar 05, 2009 23:28
It's been a while since I've updated, and though I have nothing much to say I figured I'd better update before I decide not to and go another year without saying anything.
I spent all of last week sick in bed (Like I said, I have nothing to say other than I watched a whole heck of a lot of spongebob). I was able to get over my illness enough to attend training yesterday down in Smokey Point. Ten people in total for training, which was seven more than what I was told.
Our trainer was lovely, I actually am quite disappointed I'm not working for her. Mainly because I stopped by the local store today, where I will be working, to pick up some more booklets that I needed, and to find out when I'm working.
The answer?
'You'll be lucky to get one day a week'
Um...okay. I was hired. I was trained. And now I'm being told I wont be able to work?
Here's the best part. Right after she told me that, I was informed that I *had* to keep my weekends opened, because *everyone* worked Saturday and Sunday.
So I go from 0 days a week, to two.
But then she reminded me I won't get very many hours becuase everyone is quitting.
I'm not exceptionally smart, but wouldn't a large number of ppl quitting mean that more hours open up?
So I try to keep hopes high, I ask when I will know when I'll be on the scedule. Obviously I can't show up to work unless I know when I'm working.
She tells me that they have to wait for my paperwork to come through. That's fine and dandy, but I have no idea when that is going to be. So I ask if I should call/come in, or if they will call me.
'We need your paperwork first.'
Alright, I get that part. I understand it. That's not a problem. Do you want me to call, or will you call me?
'We need your paperwork first.'
Am I stuck on repeat? I think we just discussed this. I'm almost afraid to ask again, because it seems like I'm on this lady's nerves. But I want to work, I want hours, I want a job. I can't work unless I'm on the schedule. I don't mind coming in, the store is in town, it's easy to get to.
So I offer to do that, and I get...
Yup, you guessed it. 'We need your paperwork first.'
Stay calm, deep breaths.
'Are you going to call me when you get it in?"
See, I through her a curveball. I narrowed down her choices. Now she can only say 'yes' or 'no'.
What do you think she said?
'I probably will'
.....that's very comforting.
I've come to the conclusion that if I don't get a call within the next two weeks, I'll head back in. Maybe I'll get the other lady that I've met before and get a better answer. Or at least 'an' answer.
So...while I wait....I need to study for a food test, take the test so I can get my permit. That was fun talking about to.
'Why do you need it?'
umm...I will be serving food...and I was told I couldn't work until I had one.....
I'm so confused :S