BSG 4x19

Mar 14, 2009 18:50

I'm a bit torn here writing about this one, because I thought it was extremely pretty and was completely riveted while actually watching but after it's over I'm not entirely sure what I'm left with. It was just another set-up when you get right down to it, no matter how gorgeous. I'm starting to get a little anxious. It's also a weekend where I don't really have so much time to mull over everything, so this is kind of done on the fly. I will hopefully be using my one day of Spring Break usefully.

I loved the flashbacks, personally, and I think lizardbeth_j is right on about how many of them tie into the current character arcs. My first thought with drunken!Lee was that this was him getting smashed after Zak's death and being completely ineffective at dealing with the pigeon of symbolism in his apartment. But, after seeing a few lines of dialogue posted, it looks more like it was just maybe a thing out drinking with Kara and Zak? Which makes it pretty ridiculous, but at least I can point and laugh. That said, it was a pretty cutely normal first meeting scene with Kara and Lee and I liked Zak's two seconds of screentime.

I don't even remember what happened in Bill's: my new Adama spam blocker was on full force tonight. He was unhappy about something? Maybe?

I liked seeing Laura happy with her family, even if it was just set-up for breaking her down. Outside of the flashbacks, I love her pulling it together to volunteer. And Kara gently holding her arm in support made me awww.

Loved Gauis and Caprica scenes. To bits. I know it's more family drama, but I appreciate a little more Baltar backstory. It felt very Gaius that he would care enough to try and set his father up in a lifestyle he saw as better and then get bitchy when the old man wasn't properly grateful, not really knowing how to deal with him at all. Caprica's expression when he's with his father is fantastic: she's fascinated. And I kind of love that her setting Papa Baltar up (and possibly killing/pity frakking him, hello ominious dialogue) with a snazzy new place was the beginning of their relationship, yet he still never again (I'm sure) asked her name and most definitely headed up after for a quick frak with one of his Caprican harem.

Oh, Caprica. I hope your moment's finally coming

I fangirl Rick Worthy's voice, just sayin'.

Lee and Baltar. Baltar was kind of an idiot, yes? Why should the Baltarians get special treatment is a system based on representation by ship captains? I do love how he totally deserved to be smacked down, but still managed to make Lee feel kind of shitty. And I can actually think of one moment off hand that was genuinely not about Baltar, going to see Chief after Tyrol flipped and choked him, but you kind of invalidate any selflessness by claiming it as an example, so....

Sam in a tub was just distracting. Uh, yeah. . I thought the speech was a little on the nose and the weird direction for that scene almost pulled me out entirely, but Trucco did a good enough job with it to keep me there.

That being said I'm still pissed off with how Sam is currently the only major secondary character that exists entirely to service the plot right now. Except for Hera, but since she's 3, she gets a pass. It reminds me of season 1 of Heroes when Sylar killed Issac a few episodes from the end , then they just left his corpse rotting on the floor for the rest of the season while his prophecies of the furture continued to inform the other characters actions. Sam's a corpse that can talk and look pretty in flashbacks, but it's such a miserable thing to do to a character who was finally starting have a bit of his own agency and plotlines. Closure. I do not think it means what you think it does RDM. To sum up, COME BACK SAMMY!

And a moment of sadness, because I think a lot of my character love for Tyrol finally died with this ep. I've felt kind of like a Chief apologist for awhile, because I give the guy a lot of passes for being one of my favorites for so long. The end of Flight of the Phoenix remains one of my emotional high points of the show. I still kind of irrationally want to hug him for being so frakked up, but the things I generally think are awesome about him are currently outweighed by the sneaking suspicion that he really is kind of an asshole. As of this episode Nicky has officially been abandoned by both of his dads. Nice job, show. How much do they really hate families and children?
The thing that really makes me sad about Chief's plotline though, is Cavil WON. That's nothing short of tragic. His cold robot heart would have cheered to hear that speech in the brig.

And that's all I've got right now. This one's really made for rewatch after the finale though, it's kind of hard to place until everything's over and done with. Next week. Wow.
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