Transcript of a wrong-number SMS

Mar 01, 2009 01:52

I received a strange text on my phone this morning:
Hello mate its ray this is traces number my fones playin up over ere. Just thought id send u a quick txt 2 say it was gr8 catchin up with u lads yesterday. poor trace is sufferin a bit this mornin ;-D. enjoy the match pal

Now, I don't know anybody named "Ray". So after careful thought, I sent the following response:
Yeh was gr8 last nite. Lookin 4wrd 2 game. Hope its ok, she prolly told u, but trace an me had a snog when u went out 4 a fag

("Fag" still means "cigarette" in England.)

I didn't hear from the enigmatic Ray for several hours. Then, I got this text:
Fuckin potato munchin numptys
At this point, I decided that I'd probably better make Ray's error clear to him before something tabloid-worthy occurred... (that's what you get for texting the wrong number! ;)

It didn't work.
Its ray m8!
It's Emmett m8!

That was the last I heard from Ray.
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