We *said* we were going to the arboretum but it turned out that we both wanted to start with Foster Island. It was a pretty exciting walk, what with significant patches of the path being quite waterlogged. We also discovered that the path can end at the Montlake Cut so we ate our sandwiches where we could watch the antics of the Cormorant Trees while being watched ourselves by a very watchful crow. Then we caught some buses and came home, feeling it had been a fine little outing. Photos, of course.
First, of course, I had to tear myself away from the yard.
Mrs. Wood Duck looks sort of frazzled to me; it must be difficult living with such a vain fellow.
Oddly, this mother duck seems pretty calm. (We happened across this enchanting scene when we took a sidepath on the squelchy island. The mother duck seemed pretty unperturbed while the ducklings just kept trying to cram themselves closer together, we think for warmth. It was a bit breezy/chilly on the water.)
Ducklings huddling.
We encountered a walkway that was underwater pretty early on so I opted to take off my shoes. It soon became apparent that I should keep them off for the duration. The water/mud was actually quite refreshing.
This crow kept an eye on us while we ate.
A very close and somewhat intimidating eye.
But when you live with Mme. Gradka, you learn a little something about courage.
Not shown here: the two bushtit nests we came across or the swarm of yellow-rumped warblers we encountered. There was also a guy in an old-model "Goat Justice League" t-shirt.