Tired. Stressy. Unenthused about Christmas shopping (though I did pick up a box of chocolate cherries for my father this evening, remembering only after I'd felt proud of myself for committing that there had been talk of "no gifts" this year. But surely candy for one's aged parent (who shouldn't be eating such things, really) are an exception to any "no gifts" rule. Right?) and also wondering why it is the
blinds we want for the living room should be $39.99 in 31" and 34" widths but $89.99 when 33" wide. Wah.
Work has been exhausting and looks like it will be amping back up into complete hell. The last few days I've been hunched over books that contain lines like "reduce or eliminate alcohol/sugars/fats/white food to improve back pain" which is just not the sort of thing to which I think one should be subjected during one's work day. Free time looks to be becoming increasingly scarce while all I really want to do is a lot of nothing except maybe bundling up and looking at birds while sipping hot cups of tea. Wah again.
And yet. I happened to still be in The Junction this evening when
Bakery Nouveau's Holiday Open House started so I wandered in there before the crowds became too thick. There was no limit to the delicious (and disapproved by the tiresome author of the book about backs) food they were giving away. Their salted chocolates turn out to be quite nice. I'd returned to the bakery and its open house after the clerk at the Husky Deli reminded me about it. The
Husky Deli is having its open house on Friday evening: "We're getting a liquor license for the night!" the clerk told me excitedly. That's the same night as
Figgy Pudding but maybe there's a way to do both because, by gum, I'm falling in love with West Seattle's approach to the holidays.
Now, however, I still owe the MoT an email and, glancing at the clock, it looks like that's just going to be the way it is today. Some of us need our sleep in order to prepare for, oh swell, another day of work. Wah.
(This post should contain rave reviews of the official book launch for
In My Nature where
alexfandra signed books and
mockerbee was delightful in person but that's not happening tonight.)