Dec 01, 2007 22:20
I got on facebook the other day and in that list that tells you more than you would ever care to know about people's facebook activites, i saw that a friend of mine joined a group against the movie The Golden Compass. It was a christian group, of course. I guess the author is an athiest and in the final book of the series, the kids end up killing God so they can do whatever they want. Why are we so afraid of everything around us? It seems like most of time we look at the world as how it will affect us, trying to decide if things are 'good' or 'bad' for us. We get so caught up in ourselves. What good is life if we are just going to guard ourselves all the time, instead of paying attention to whats around us and seeing how it relates to everything else. (which is very ironic for me to say, since i am so guarded. I recognize it and am changing it. writing all this down helps me recognize it and sort it). This is someones story. Do we only listen to other people when we are in God mode and, of course, not trying to convert them, but really we are because we couldnt give a crap about anyones story that is already in our life everyday? We always hear in churches these days taht we need to listen to non-christians stories and just be friends with them,but not to convert them, just to be friends. but why are we singling out non-christians if our intetions arent to convert them. are we trying to make up for the years in the past in which that was the only aim? do we recognize that people dont like to be a project but there is still something in us that feels liek a better person when we do 'witness' to someone? do we just genuinely love God and therefore show it to each other? I am not saying that any one of those is the answer, i am just listing thoughts. maybe i am wrong or just reading into it too much, but i wish we could just say what we really mean (in regards to what we hear in church. life too, but i meant to focus on in church), why is it so scary? who cares if its scary anyway, it needs to be said. anyways, im getting off topic.
anyway, a freaking movie isnt going to condemn the world, nor is boycotting it going to save the world. Just like banning gay marriage wont save the world, nor will allowing it condemn it. We criticize the pharasies all the time for their rules and feel better about ourselves because we got rid of all of ours and now we are near perfect and have finally gotten christianity right after all these thousands of years. But all we did was get rid of all of the blatantly obvious rules, and even that we havent done that well.
but its ok because Jesus saved us....