Jul 30, 2007 16:22
Today I registered for my classes, called my advisor and finally straightened things out (and found out two of my major classes that i DONT want to take again transfered), paid my bills, sent a transcripts request form to BG,looked and applied for a job, went to the bank, and went to target and bought a toaster for $8 and 9 wash clothes for $3. All things I have been putting off and DREADING for most of the summer (minus the shopping). And after doing all that i feel wonderful. I am excited about this year, I hope to have gone through major changes by this time next year. The thought of all these changes coming up is making things easier right now and finally gives me something to look forward to. I like buying things for my apartment someday because it shows me how much i really dont need and keeps me from spending my money on the things i have convinced myself i need (or kind of need), like clothes and shoes and food (i live at home).
This evening I am going to ask my mom if she will help me make a list of things I will absolutely need when i move out, to help me know what to buy now and what I can wait on until i get settled in.
I am really excited about my schedule. On mondays I have class from 12-1:50, and then again at 5:15-6:30. Wednesdays i have class from 11-1:50, and 5:15 to 6:30. I am taking two classes online, then then i am taking a class that is half a semester starting in october on monday nights from 7-8:50. So i have tuesday, thursday, friday, and saturday to work. I am looking all over for a part time receptionist/secretary job (and a flight attendant job of course) so if you know of any let me know!