i'm in a reflective mood...

May 18, 2007 00:28

...so i suppose i'll make use of it and make another entry.

i made it safely back to moscow today and i was really surprised to find the weather so nice. my flight was really quite pleasant...no turbulence, clear skies, it was gorgeous and i sat mesmerized looking out my window for the entire 50 minute flight. i was on another big plane (a whopping 80-seater) so the flight didn't take as long. once i got spokane, i usually like to hang around in the terminals since they designed the airport now to have no decent food once you leave the secure area. so, since i had like 3 hours to kill, i took my only luggage of a tiny carry-on, found a spot in another gate by a big window, sprawled out along a bench seat and napped for about an hour and a half. i woke up to find the gate getting a little crowded, so i figured with an hour left before my bus would take off that i'd go get some lunch. it was crowded and there was only one guy working the counter the rang up both the food items and played bartender. and it made me mad that i had been waiting in line to buy this stupid over-priced ciabatta yet he would serve all the people who were new to arrive and wanted alcoholic drinks. oh well.

while i was waiting for my bus, i killed some more time just wandering around the tiny, yet long, airport. as i was wandering, i came across a lot of families with american flags and it was almost really touching to see a few soldiers land and go a greet their families--i'm sappy, and ok with that. anyway, i caught my bus, and my presence made up half of the total number of passengers. it was just me and this semi-oldish guy that got dropped off before pullman somewhere, so eventually it just turned into me being the only one on a big bus. it was interesting. when i got home, i did a little unpacking, then went to pick up my friend, oz, to do some shopping and go with him to pick up some job applications. speaking of jobs though, i have another interview tomorrow for a saturday receptionist job with Latah Realty where i'd work like a few hours every saturday doing receptionist stuff. the lady made it sound like i pretty much have the job, but i don't want to get my hopes up, so we'll see how my interview goes tomorrow.

also today, i went and played a round of frisbee golf and accidentally chucked mine super hard at this one guy and hit him in the chest area. i felt so bad, but everyone just kept teasing me about it afterward, so i guess it wasn't too bad. then i went and hung out at farmhouse and we sat around and ate ice cream and watched 'the fountain' which i saw over x-mas break with some of you guys, and it was really good the second time around, i thought. alot of the guys i watched it with seemed lost even after it ended, but it is kind of strange to follow, so i can see that.

well, i've been up since 5 with only a small half-nap at the airport, so i'm going to start to wind down for night. it's really strange knowing that i'm living entirely on my own for the next 3 months since my roommate went home for the summer. tonight i don't feel really freaked out by it, but i'm sure eventually it'll all set in and then i'll hate being alone all the time. for my entertainment needs though, i did smuggle up my super nintendo, so we'll see how long it'll take me to get bored with that.

so yeah, oh, and on a quick side note, jbo, i had a lot of fun hanging out with you, and playing scrabble, and head-butting your cat, and out intense marathon of speed in the park, and mourning over the squished bird, etc...ah, good times. i'm glad i at least got to see a few people while i was home briefly....ariel, it's really too bad all our plans fell through--we were even holding out on getting husbands until you were with us, but for sure we'll have to do that some other time.

anyway, i'm out. good night.
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