www.kitimatdaily.ca/show1250a60x30y1z/MAYOR_MONAGHAN_SHUTS_DOWN_COUNCILLOR Because I got bored and when I get bored sometimes I look up the Kitimat Daily. Yeah well, needless to say. NOT IMPRESSED.
Hey, so when someone talks about something you don't want to talk about - throw down the gavel folks! Oh wait, only works if you're Joanna fucking Monaghan. :|
On an unintentional lolz note, this article made my evening:
www.kitimatdaily.ca/show1255a60x30y1z/ARE_YOU_HANDICAPPEDI want to meet this woman and tell her she's awesome....and should do the profanities cards. Politeness may not work with thick-skulled people. =P bwahaha