Sep 21, 2008 13:21

OMGosssssh. Last night was awesome!

I went to Elliott Brood at Richard's on Richards, which is kind of a funny place itself. Granville two blocks over compared to Richards looks so slummy (but more fun lol). Richard's is this Yaletown-esque rich neighbourhood like you would see in Sex and the City or something - steps with the lawn not even a meter long. Then there is the cabaret/club. It looks sooo out of place, like a little piece of history about what that street must have been like 10 years ago or more.

I kind like the atmosphere better in there than at the Commodore. It was smaller, and had a nice accessible balcony seating, where I was situated. XD I like to see and hear, so I sat up there and got an awesome view of the bands. The photos don't do it justice as usual and the objects appeared smaller than they actually were. :B I'll post it all anyways though, haha. Another good thing is that I avoided all the pretenious bullshit talk that happened during Devendra. No "oh they sound like so-and-so"; no "I like that song better than this". Everybody was really really into it  - dancing hardcore, swaying, chilling - with no phoniness as far as I could tell. :D  I wish I could have shared the awesome feel-good vibes from that place with someone! XD

Going solo made me kind of anxious, but I had a blast anyways. I didn't get harassed at all (minus one chick asking for change on the way home but that doesn't really count), and the walk was super nice. Mom was all worried about me going alone. I showed them! HA XD Well, Will walked me there, we made a day of it sort of. We went to the Roxy Burger (such good burgers and good prices!) for dinner...wayyyy too early. We were done by 5 and had like 2 hours to kill before the doors opened. :S I was pretty much first in line to get in, haha.

The first band (which I kinda forget the name of :S) was from Alberta and pretty gooood too. I have never seen so much rock in place. XD Well Folkfest was fairly rad, but not like...rock rad, more like...chill/folk rad. Rock + banjos + ....ukeleles??!??! Yeah that's right!! Ukeleles!! The two guys in the front (they're a three piece - Elliott Brood that is), whipped out ukes for one song and it was heaven for my ears. Have I mentioned how much I love new uses for ukes before? XD I'm not a huge fan of the typical "hawaiian" song, but hot dang!
Aaaaah near the end of the show, they passed out tin pans, tambourines and wooden spoons to the audience to bang along to the songs! It was funny, they were all "we'd like to reuse 'em so please return them, but if you wanna steal them or keep them that's okay too" - sooo Canadian of them lol.

Anywho, I'm on the crappy library computers because reznet has failed yet again. BOOOOOOOOOO! And Will is getting on my behind to mosey on out of here. XD Peace outttt!!
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