The Return of Jemimamouse

Jan 08, 2008 17:48

Oh dear, what a sad little story for a tiny little animal. We went to the vet this afternoon, who was really nice, and also semi-hot :) (Ladies, if you have an unwell pet I recommend Toby at All Creatures Great and Small in South Perth!) Anyway, he put her under a general anaesthetic because she won't ever stay still, and cleaned out what turned out to be a massive abscess. It was probably just from getting scratched, and the wound then got infected. It extended all the way to the bone, and has affected her left eye a bit. They lid is all crusty and won't close properly. So, she now has a drain in her face which will be removed on Friday, and some funky purple stitches which will come out in 2 weeks. She's on the teeniest dose of antibiotics ever, and I have to try to get lubricating drops in her eye a few times a day. There's still a chance her eye won't heal properly though, and if this happens she'll need to have it removed. Toby was nice and didn't remove it today because he wanted to give her a chance to save it :)

I guess we'll just have to see how she goes now. She's a pretty tough little thing though, this started last Thursday and she only just started to get grumpy today. We aren't friends at the moment, because she really hates having drops squirted in her eye. She won't come out of the cage for me any more, but I guess that's what tough love it all about :) Hopefully she'll get better quickly, and eventually trust me to hold her without squirting her in the face with something!
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