Picture post!

Nov 19, 2006 20:44

I was at home a few weekends ago and managed to snap a couple of pics of Biskit (who is my cat, but is getting old now so lives at home where she knows it and can get looked after properly) when she actually got her butt out of her hiding/sleeping place.

This is her looking rather contented!

I should point out: the random stuff on her nose is actually from an operation she had to remove a malignant tumour, which I'm hoping and praying doesn't come back any time soon 'cos she's only 12 and doesn't otherwise act old, apart from the sleeping lots, oh and dribbling. Also, she has a short, bent tail - it's always been like that and was a total selling point when it came to choosing her (I've always had cats with odd tails - dunno why!)

This is her looking rather unimpressed.

She was looking this way because the evil puppy of DOOM had invaded "her" room.

I couldn't get a pic of the pup at the time 'cos she moves too fast, but for good measure, this is puppy of doom herself, Coco (yes, all my family's pets have food-orintated names!)

(I believe here she is looking at my trainers and considering how tasty they would be!)

x-posted to kittypix

Rattie pics to come soon, I promise!

coco, biskit, pics

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