Nov 18, 2006 19:30
Just when I'd FINALLY got this place vaguely warm, I realised I needed a wee and had to brave the mouldy ice cube of doom aka my bathroom!
Have been playing on GTA - San Andreas and Neopets a lot today - been avoiding college work, or indeed thinking about anything. Grr.
Bloody ASTI team sent me a letter - someone should teach them that someone with my kind of anxiety cannot possibly go to a place they have never been before, and meet someone they have never met before on their own. My GP is gonna get the letter and wonder what on earth is going on. Probably should go and see him on Monday, 'cos taking Valium just to get me through is not a viable solution - at least not for much longer 'cos I haven't got many left! I don't want to be like "oh yeah it's really urgent", but it sort of it. I just feel like I've lived at the doctors' surgery recently and that sucks.
If I ever find some working rechargable batteries then I shall do a considerably more cheerful post with photos :D (cat and puppy if any of them have come out)