Torchwood Fic: If One Is Good Then Two Is Wicked

Dec 23, 2010 00:54

Posted to torchwoodslash

Title: If One Is Good Then Two Is Wicked
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto
Rating: R
Spoilers: Season 1
Summary: Ianto figures if coat sex is good then two coats must be better
Notes/Warnings: Read the disclaimer on my LJ

"Oh my."

One of the conditions of moving in together had been a frank assessment of Jack's possessions, Ianto rightfully stating they'd need to know how much storage space to plan for once they removed all Jack's things from the Hub.

He hadn't counted on all the trunks in the storage room being Jack's. Still, opening them one by one had been like a window into Jack's past. He'd known better to ask about certain items, figuring they were love tokens from relationships best forgotten, but the clothing? That's where it got interesting.

How Jack preserved the Victorian era coat so well was beyond him, but when he pulled it out of the newly opened trunk number 17 it smelt more of sachets than anything, though faintly, as if it had been preserved by the mere presence of dried flowers tucked around it.

He held it up, shook it out and stood gazing at it. It wasn't hard to imagine Jack in it, to imagine Jack in that era: courting tavern wenches, swaggering down cobblestone streets, looking every bit the handsome rogue he was still today.

Ianto shook out the coat then went to slip it on, feeling it surround him as if it were an extension of Jack's arms. It felt like wearing Jack's greatcoat; it was imbued with him even if he was nowhere near it.

"Ianto?" Jack's voice called out for him. He'd be back with takeout Indian food for dinner, only Ianto had a whole different hunger now.

He shed the coat quickly and set about his task as Jack's footsteps drew nearer, pulling the coat back on to cover himself as he shivered, partially from the cool air and partially from anticipation.

Jack halted when he saw Ianto in his old coat, putting the food aside on a table without even looking.

"That coat..."

"You kept it all this time," Ianto murmured. "I thought it might be nice to give it a chance to breathe a bit." His boyish smile turned crooked as he let the coat fall open, revealing his naked body beneath.

"Breathe, oh yeah," Jack agreed, stepping towards him as he started shedding his own clothes.

Ianto put out a hand to stop him and Jack looked at him, confused.

"I want you naked," Ianto purred as he fingered the lapels of Jack's greatcoat. "But the coat? Stays on."


torchwood, torchwoodslash, fic

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