Written for
numb3rs100 Challenge #177 - Enemy
Title: Nothing Hurts Like Your Mouth
Pairing/Characters: Don/Charlie
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: When Worlds Collide
Summary: Don didn't think Charlie could hurt him (When Worlds Collide Post-Ep)
Notes/Warnings: Read the
disclaimer on my LJ
Nothing Hurts Like Your Mouth )
They strip his security clearance so no more excuses of late nights working on cases, no more easy reasons to stop by each other's workplace, no shared joy when innocents are saved and criminals caught.
I really like that, too. The question is, does Don still want those excuses?
Poor Don is confused. He thought he knew and loved Charlie. Now this. He doesn't know what to think, although I'm pretty sure he thinks this was a totally selfish act on Charlie's part - not a selfless one in favor of his friend Phil.
I'm definitely of the opinion that it was some of both.
Oh, absolutely. And the part of him that's Charlie's lover knows that's not healthy, not good for them, but he's also Charlie's brother and okay, maybe it's not healthy as his brother, either, but it is normal.
Now you're picking perfect icons precognitively? I mean I mention the precious bubble scene in UP and you already are using an icon from it? You win!
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