Written for
numb3rs100 Challenge #177 - Enemy
Title: Nothing Hurts Like Your Mouth
Pairing/Characters: Don/Charlie
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: When Worlds Collide
Summary: Don didn't think Charlie could hurt him (When Worlds Collide Post-Ep)
Notes/Warnings: Read the
disclaimer on my LJ
It slips out before Don can stop it, those childish insults still too close to the tip of his tongue despite the decades between.
He apologizes and those words come too easy too - Buddy, I'm sorry…
Charlie sulks, disappearing into the garage for a therapeutic session with the beloved equations Don has to share him with.
Childish hurts are still too close for him too.
Charlie's teeth sink into Don's shoulder, leaving indentations Don will finger absentmindedly under his shirt collar at work, making him lose his place in the report on his computer screen.
Don hisses in protest even though no real damage is done. Charlie can't hurt him, he thinks.
It's only weeks later that he finds out he's wrong.
Don's allowed to observe Charlie's interrogation. Look but don't touch. This he knows.
A strange man sits on the other side of the two-way mirror: a Charlie not his own.
They strip his security clearance so no more excuses of late nights working on cases, no more easy reasons to stop by each other's workplace, no shared joy when innocents are saved and criminals caught.
Don wishes Charlie had just kept his mouth shut.