Nov 05, 2006 20:12
I don't know if you realize (I doubt you do)
But I have basically stopped posting on livejournal.
This is because...
No offense...
But there are very, very few... painfully few people on my friends list who I'd care to divulge my personal thoughts to. Or, for that matter, even talk to. I don't write anything even a tad meaningful anymore, because I don't really care what a lot of the people who read it think. Again, no offense. This doesn't necessarily apply to you. Which is why I can say that without being ripped apart. At least, I hope I can!
And on the flipside of things, I don't even read my friends list anymore. I only look up the specific journals of those I still find interesting. I wish I could use the handy Friends List option, but if I narrowed it down to the livejournals I actually read, there'd be a lot of pissed off people.
Anyway... I don't really think I'm going to post anymore, it just about bores me to death.
Haha and being me, I had to write a big post just about being bored with this. But I figured I might as well let you know where the hell I went!
Love always,
PS- this isn't meant to sound really condemning or bitchy or anything...
PSS- That PS is exactly the kind of shit I hate about lj... I feel like I always have to be nice and fair and cover my ass with "no offense" and "I don't mean...". But that's incredibly redundant, don't you think?