This first bit might mainly be of interest to
acw... One of the U.S. dialect distinguishing questions is if "merry, marry, Mary" all have the same vowel or different ones. I'm of a dialect that considers them to have pretty much the same vowel. But I recently got a CD that includes the Cherry Tree Carol, sung by people from (north-ish, I think) England. And the way they sing the words "cherries" and "berries" give me a moment of "huh, the way they sing it makes those words sound like they should be spelled with an A instead of an E." So apparently there is some bit of my brain that thinks there's a slight difference, even if I can't pinpoint it in my own speech. It's somewhat disconcerting! And related, I'd like to thank
klostes for the mention of Coope Boyes & Simpson and their carol recordings. I'm not always keen on Christmas songs, but I loves me some carols, especially
creepy ones.
Wm got his second tooth on Thanksgiving, less than two days after the first one. They're the bottom incisors. And tonight he bit me while nursing for the first time. I tried my best to not yip or do anything that would make him think "wow, I can get mom to do something funny!" but I'm not entirely sure it worked. There was some giggling, which I didn't interact with, so I'm crossing my fingers that it's not going to become a habit. He also seems to be interested in eating our hair. Not just teething on it, but actually swallowing it. Ick.
Pip has started working 4 days a week after school with his former preschool teacher, and it seems to be going well. He's not just reciting collections of letters that he's learned from word cards, but actually saying the words, and starting to associate them with actual things as well. So maybe he'll be reading? We'll see. We're also trying to get him to associate numbers with actual quantities, not just knowing them by rote. They have a 10x10 thing of the numbers from 1-100 at school which is one of his favorite things. He'll count them out, they'll take numbers out and he has to put them back in the right places, and he'll also count to 100 by 10s (down the right-hand column). More entertaining, he'll count by the diagonal (1, 12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, 89, 100). He doesn't quite grasp 3- or more digit numbers besides 100 yet: I wondered why he was saying 'forty-five' on the freeway all the time and it turns out he was reading interstate 405 as 40, 5. My mom lives off of sixteen-two (162nd Ave.). We know his vision's still pretty good, because he's reading the numbers off of the little green street signs.
wrog and I both got glasses when we were a few years older than Pip is now, so I sort of think of him as destined to be nearsighted, too.
I have a lot of spinning I want to do that just hasn't been happening. I do get a little knitting done, but not as much as I might like because it's hard to knit over the baby even if he's nursing off to sleepy-land. His little self is where my elbows or arms want to be in my usual knitting positions. Oh, well. I should get the wheel out and see if I can spin then, because the arm position's different.