Dec 07, 2011 00:03
I know this is weird for me to update at LJ because I haven't since like the summer, but I have a few things to say that I want to write down but don't really want to blog it on my "real blog" and I'm tired of recording these things in my journal so....
This week I began my first attempt at a "low-carb-high-protein" diet.
And by that I mean, I'm trying to stay at 1200 calories a day, eat less than a "normal" daily allotment of carbs, and target in on the protein and fiber allotments.
It's been interesting. I've really only been focused for like five days and I feel awesome. I hardly feel addicted to bread like I used to, and tonight (based on The 4 Hour Body, which I've been reading) I decided to let myself have a "cheat meal" where I drank milk and slammed two TimTams-- and I don't feel awesome at all. And the rest of my meal was eggs and black beans and turkey bacon, which is all good for me and part of the "plan!"
Also I'm trying not to eat after 7pm.
It is good. Overall, I feel good.
The other day I had an urge for McDonalds chicken nuggets and fries but put it off because I knew I shouldn't eat it at 11pm. I told myself I could have it for lunch the next day, which satisfied me, only the next day I didn't even want to eat it. I still haven't wanted to eat it. It's almost like, just keeping the option in the back of my mind to have when I'm feeling purposeful and not at all impulsive-- it's like that knowledge alone is empowering me to sally forth with the beans and the Fiber One bars.
Oh the beans! It's the best part. I love the beans. And I love not feeling hungry.
Tomorrow I'm going to begin a new experiment and will drink 32oz of ice water before breakfast. According to the book, cooling your body results in fat loss. I don't know about that, but at least filling up with water before meals makes you less inclined to fill up with food, I know that much.
Also apparently people who take cold showers are less depressed. So I suppose I'll try a little of that too (only not TOO cold because I'm a super wimp).
Oh and this past week? I lost 3+ lbs. I can totally shed 20lbs by Feb EASY.
And I will.
Because I have had ENOUGH of being passed by for skinny girls.