Title: A Thousand Years
Pairing: Kurtofsky
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A thousand years of Kurt and Dave.
Chapter One Title: Touch So Foreign
Pairing: Kurtofsky
Rating: PG-16
Summary: "It's surprising (and just a tad bit disconcerting, possibly terrifying) how easy it is to forget someone when they're looking you straight in the face."
Overture Part One Title: Deck the Balls (NSFW)
Pairing: Kurtofsky
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Dave needs to be educated. Kurt helps him out a little bit.
Oneshot The Legend of Korra
Title: Love Will Teach You How to Fly
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Korra/Tenzin
Oneshot Sailor Moon
Title: Dangerous
Pairing: Haruka/Seiya
Rating: Soft R
Summary: Haruka doesn't approve of Seiya flirting with Michiru.
Oneshot Original Works
"Letters to a Friend"
Letter One Letter Two Letter Three Letter Four