Harry Potter and the Catgirl Fans: A Cautionary Tale

Jul 15, 2005 13:56

My wrist hurts. Were I a guy, I would expect all sorts of dirty jokes about why it might be hurting. As it is, I'm as baffled as anyone.
Saw Howl's Moving Castle with frelghra last night. I liked it a lot. A lot a lot. Not as much as Spirited Away, which is one of my favorite movies of all time, but a lot. It made me feel all warm and sighy happy afterward. The other people in the theatre almost made me kill them, though. Right behind us there were about two rows of scary fanboys and girls, talking about their Sailor Moon costumes (and I saw the girls discussing these. Thank god it wasn't the boys, but still not a sight to help me keep my dinner down) and their Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. Loudly. After the movie one of the girls shrieked even more loudly and dramatically "I must draw him!" Referring to the balletic and waspish Howl, of course. I didn't laugh out loud, and that's good, right? All I could think of was the Family Guy episode where Peter wants to build a pool and the funny looking electrician guy comes and Peter says basically the same thing to him, and it's all weird and gross but funny. I can't really explain how much these people were annoying me. But I didn't say anything and I didn't hit anybody. I have learned self-control, at least in little bits.
Oh, but I did laugh at them when the credits rolled and they were surprised that Calcifer was voiced by Billy Crystal. I thought it was obvious from his first word, but there you are, which is my way of saying that I don't know how to end that sentence. And then I found five dollars.

Anyway, the movie itself was beautiful, as it should be. I especially liked that the characters were so used to people being under spells and enchantments that there was absolutely no surprise or even mention of the way Sophie kept changing. Just felt very natural, and things were so well explained with the visuals that exposition would have gotten in the way.

*End Movie talk. Go about your lives*

So today I have to go to Starbucks for a while, and then tomorrow I work at the bookstore in the afternoon. It didn't hit me until yesterday that I'll be working at a bookstore on Harry Potter Day, but at least I don't work at Barnes with frelghra, who is doing the midnight sale/party thing tonight. Yuck. I do not envy him tonight. I does mean that I'm on my own tonight, but since I don't get off work until 11:45, I'll hopefully be exhausted enough to just come home and go to sleep, as opposed to staying up all night waiting on him to come back with tales of tiny Harry's running around screaming for a book.

So I'm going to go get ready for work now, everybody have a good day.
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