I am expecting tonight to be a difficult one.
Anyone wanting to post anything distract-y or fun or cheer-uppy - well, I'd be very indebted.
Or if you want to throw anything at any of my characters (or potential characters :p) for RP purposes or ask from that
100 Most Important Things To Know About Your Character thing ... Bella, Ginny, Anne, Ianto (in progress), any character I've ever written, basically. :p (Lilly, Scotty, Mark, Roger, Maureen, Joanne, Walter Blythe, Emily Starr, Sam from my book By The Light of The Moon, Shaye from Princess Fat Ass, and Abby and Maria from Bright Star ... it goes on and on. :p)
Edit: And now the post is actually UNLOCKED so characters can actually be ... thrown. :p