Feb 28, 2008 15:04
Yesterday I came to the conclusion that I've been in school for a really long time....and I even finished high school and college early. I used to be the kid that loves school. In my opinion it was the only thing I was ever good at and I loved everything about it. Now I would rather be at work doing monotonous work or research on a dull topic than be in class, doing homework, or reading for class. Law school is simply not exciting. Undergrad was really exciting because the school was an actual community. My schoolmates were interesting people and I expected them all to do really great things with their lives. Now I look around the classroom and can easily place each person in one of a handful of categories for the rest of their lives (I won't go into detail here, but if you're a law student or know law students you probably have developed similar categories yourself). This is not to say that any of those paths are lesser or beneath me, just that it gets dull to be around 850 of the same four of five types of people.
This summer really can't come fast enough. I'm ready to be finished with all of my papers and tests and start looking forward to a summer far, far away from here. I can now look forward to this without guilt because Leigh has decided to spend several weeks with me, taking a short leave of absence from work. This way we can both get away for a while but not miss eachother for more than a few weeks at a time.
In the meantime though I have classes and work and living in Buffalo to deal with. I swear I only see the same six places all the time (home, school, work, grocery store, various shops, the inside of my car). Also, Leigh and I realized that, though we live together and technically see eachother every day, we really only get to catch up with one another on the weekends. I need a change of pace and I need it now....but I won't get it until May 15 when exams are done
OK, back to work.
law school,