I finished re-reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince today. It was my second time, but I'd forgotten most of the plot (except for the big stuff, you know) so I found it quite enjoyable really. Even the crying (which I remembered vividly). I'm trying to wait at least a day or two before I dive into Deathly Hallows again. I imagine I'll be a lot less confused this time around, which will be nice.
The only problem is, I haven't known what to do with myself all afternoon. I've managed to fill the time a couple of different ways (grocery shopping, talking to my mommy for the first time since she got home from her NZ trip). I feel like nothing would make me happy except more cowbell HP. But I have to pace myself. If I read all the HP in the house, then where will I be?
I Googled "entertain me" and...it didn't.
Then, because I thought it was funny, I "asked Jeeves" (ok, now it's just "Ask") to "entertain me."
Long story short (too late!) I made this:
Click here to create your own painting. Pretty.