Mar 02, 2010 19:40
In the last fight I had with somebody, their main argument with me was how I didn't have enough reason to feel sad at times. This really annoyed me like hell - more so than the prospect that we were actually fighting to begin with.
All the time, we have to accept responsibility for what we say. But for our thoughts? No. We have the right to feel whatever we want, whenever we want. Every day, we're forced to conform to society's expectations and at times I feel so happy that I just have this space in my mind I can retreat to and feel and think whatever I please without the critique of those around me. We are all adjusted to different standards of life, one of my acquaintances who visited an area of poverty within Africa twelve months ago commented on how "everyone is so smiley and happy". It's great extraordinarily fantastic for them they can keep up such a strong mental disposition. But really, others who in terms of possessions, health and wealth should technically be so happy in some cases are not. And how can we blame them for that? One unhappiness may be caused by an action or event that is much more significant than the other, but the point is that both of the individuals illustrated in the example are sad. And sadness, to any degree, is pretty crap. Let's be honest there.
We all know how to put on a happy face and we all do it at times, to satisfy other people. But we should all have our own place to feel free to be ourselves. We all get down at times. That is human. This was another thing that frustrated me - how could this person criticize me? It's like an obese person telling one of those supermodels they look fat. How on earth are they in the position to comment? I really think they'd on be in the position to tear my emotions apart if they were a perfect being who had never experienced a negative emotion before. I think everyone should reserve the right to be sad. Not all the time - but at the same time imagine faking and forcing happiness every second of your day. You'd just explode eventually, like trying to block up all the pressure in a pipe until the pipe gets destroyed.
We all have our circumstances and sometimes we just can't take certain events. But sadness is key to acceptance and moving on. By refusing to feel the sadness in our hearts and never letting any emotion out, we're not doing the right thing at all. Having a good cry is amazingly therapeutic. Last night I found that out.
And then guess what? I made up with the person I was fighting with in the first place.
- Emily I.