Roger arrived home from work happy, he knew this was the day his mom would be sending him her special cookies, every couple weeks Jeanie had to bake something for the pot luck lunch she had at work. She always made sure to make extra for him and his uncle. He rushed up the 5 flights of stairs to his loft in anticipation of the baked goods. But when he got there he was disappointed.
“Hey man, how was work?” Asked Collins from the couch.
“Good.” And then he saw the empty container on the metal table.
“Where are my cookies?”
“What cookies?” Asked Mark.
“The ones my mom made for me. The ones she only makes once a month?”
“Sorry?” Said Collins.
“Whatever, I’ll be in my room.”
Roger went into his room and dialed his mom’s number.
“Mom? Do you have anymore cookies?”
“I just dropped off a whole container, you already ate them all?”
“Mom, I didn’t even get one.”
“What do you mean?”
“My stupid roommates ate them all!”
“I’ll make you another container, but they’re going to be special cookies.”
“Mom! Don’t make special cookies.”
“Honey, not with pot, ex-lax don’t eat them.”
“I love you Mom.”
“I love you too.”
(The next day)
“Rog! I really hate you!” Yelled Collins heading for the bathroom for the 10th time that day.
“That’ll teach you to eat my special cookies!”