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Jan 07, 2007 14:26

Happy belated New Year everyone.

Woo, return to Manchester has rarely been so sweet. Now just to find another job. The easy part.

I haven't exactly made new years' resolutions as such. More like, little bits and pieces I'd been planning to do all autumn and oh so conveniently used the onset of Christmas as an excuse not to do. This being from the person who started her shopping the week before. Naturally.

But still, I really do mean it this year. I never make any overblown ostentatious attempts to change myself anymore. They never work, and I don't doubt that Cosmo sez 2007 is all about accepting one's hopelessly flawed nature, anyway. Well, they usually say these things, at any rate. But the little things I'm more than ready to have a bash at. I am convinced that over the tail end of this winter and into the spring, I WILL have started paying more regular visits to the Aquatic Centre, done slightly more thorough research into future teaching abroad plans, and got back into the habit of taking long delicious country hikes. Yes.

I was going to do that usual end of year survey, but I feel it may be wise to jettison that on this occasion, given my ecstasy at finally being able to get rid of 2006 for good. Oh, it wasn't a totally useless year, it peaked and dived a bit before flopping so spectacularly over the last few months that it became very difficult indeed not to simply abandon proactivity and watch it sink from the sidelines. Mostly me to blame, I know. But there were also some very fine moments; a record four countries visited, including one completely new one (a weekend's jaunt to Prague from our school in Poland), a few new friendships formed, a few mini adventures partaken of, a simply beautiful anniversary weekend with Kenny in Brighton in July. In fact, July as a whole was really rather good to me, making this the second consecutive year in which that month has come up top of the pops. And an eventful year in terms of births, with one first baby and, yet scarier, one second baby from two semi-related Bristol folks. I couldn't be more delighted for them and relieved that that isn't me all at the same time.

These are the things I shall choose to focus on from the past year, and nothing else. Well, other than my relief at discovering that the majority of you were so sensible as to find 2006 as shit for music as I did. Let's all hope that this year will be the long anticipated one in which dreary wallpaper indie/swaggering haircut indie\all 466856 other varieties of sweaty boy indie die a nasty death. The image is really making me far too excited for my own good.

Ahh. 2005 didn't seem much cop at first, and then, well, everything happened. I'm not going to dare hope that this one will even come close to it, especially not based on some silly idea of odd number based positive destiny cobblers, but who knows.

Anyhoo, I hope you are all suitably fabulous. I've managed to have a little catch up, but there is I'm afraid a smidgeon of my flist that sadly had to go unread over the internetless period. You know the score.
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