Vid rec: "Slow Down, Gandhi" (BSG)

Apr 03, 2009 19:54

Why does the combination of BSG and politicized (white) hip-hop result in such a perfect vidding marriage? kiki_miserychic says that "the Flobots are the voice of BSG" and this may well be true. At least four vids out of one album and all of them are really good.

Televangelism by beccatoria
so say we all I (Handlebars) by kiki_miserychic
Mayday! by cherryice
there's a war going on for your mind, Laura by beccatoria

And yet a new vid by obsessive24, Slow Down, Gandhi, has proved that it isn't just about the Flobots. That track fits so well that it could have been *written* for season four, and I say that with all the evangelical assurance of someone who hasn't even seen season four yet. Seriously, when it got to the line an abominable colony of cyborgs I blinked at my computer screen in surprise, as if the images and the music had violated some sort of neutral zone in my mind simply by fitting so well.

The track, "Slow Down, Gandhi" by Sage Francis, is pretty impressive even on its own. A couple of times the lyrics had me blinking at the screen purely on their own merits. The line "Give me ethnicity or give me dreads" strikes me as a wonderfully succinct comment on one of the major flashpoints of cultural appropriation discussions. And this:

Making you think you're crazy is a billion dollar industry.
If they could sell sanity in a bottle
They'd be charging for compressed air,
And marketing healthcare.

It had me nodding right along until I realized with a shock that they do market healthcare, and isn't that the whole point?

In the vid, obsessive24 offers a subversive alternate reading of BSG--one that doesn't involve Cylons!--viewing the politics of the Colonial Fleet from the point of view of Gaeta and Zarek and "the proles." Very thought-provoking. She explains it much better than I could, so go and read and watch.

For more of the wonderful world of BSG vids (best vidding fandom ever, argue with me if you like):

pre-VVC vidrecs (1/2) - Battlestar Galactica by cyborganize

Why I heart the Cylons: integrated meta, vid recs and notes on Sons and Daughters by heyiya

vid recs, music, bsg

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