People wonder why I hate Tim Burton films.
This is why:
The only good things I have to say about this image are: 1. I'd totally wear Angelique's pantsuit and 2. the house is cool.
They couldn't possibly have made the group look more like caricatures of the original cast if they tried.
And then on top of that, they made Carolyn and Vicki about 12 and made Willie look like wolfman he walked onto the wrong stage on his way to shoot Planet of the Apes. Plus, Angelique looks more like Carolyn, their Carolyn looks more like a kid version of Angelique, and their Liz looks like Laura. And instead of changing the ONE blonde Collins from the original (Carolyn) to make her match the others, they randomly made EVERYONE blonde except Barney and David (logic and genetics fail?). AND THEY KEPT JULIA'S HORRIBLE ORANGE HAIR. Which already looked like a caricature when the show came on the in the 60's. And Johnny Depp kept Barney's lolwtf original hair and his face looks like it melted and got squished with a frying pan.
...there's absolutely no point in remaking something if you're not gonna try and improve it. And you can't remake something without keeping the spirit of the original characters. And improving on them. Not making them caricature copies.
If this movie doesn't tank at the box office, I'm gonna cry.
And if they make a sequel and ruin Quentin like they've ruined everyone else, I'll probably shoot myself die a little inside.