
Feb 24, 2010 13:28

Had most of my annual physical yesterday, after spending two hours on the phone with the insurance company trying to sort out some bills that were rejected (When I got my insurance, I went to the company's Web site, searched for the clinic I wanted to go to, and picked the one provider that was listed. Then I saw someone else at the clinic, which is supposedly OK as far as the insurance goes - BUT the insurance company is trying to claim that since the doctor I officially picked is only at the clinic one day a week, he doesn't count as part of the practice, so they won't cover me when I see other doctors. Even though I got his name as being affiliated with that clinic through the insurance company's Web site. Gotta love bureaucracy. Anyway, I managed to get a very helpful person on the phone and after doing some research, she and the clinic billing person both instructed me not to pay the rejected bills until the insurance company could sort it all out, and they'll let me know in a month or so.

Anyway, physical went pretty well. I got a couple of vaccinations - HPV round 2 and H1N1 - and I have to go back in a couple of weeks for a fasting glucose test. I hate fasting glucose tests, especially when the PA I'm seeing doesn't come in until after 9:00. *grumble*

I was approved for four more physical therapy visits. Not weeks, visits. Thanks, workers' comp, that'll really make a difference. Still, it's more visits than I had as of yesterday. I had INSANE tension headaches all last week. Tendency toward tension headaches + injury to neck muscles = MOTHERFUCKING OW. I've not had any yet this week *knocks wood*, but who knows how long that'll last?

I sent in an application to the Census Bureau for a clerk position, and they called today to schedule my aptitude test. I guess that means they liked my application, so that's good. For those outside the US: our Constitution requires that the government perform a census at least every ten years. So a year that ends in zero rolls around, and the Census Bureau hires a few thousand Americans, for a few months, to perform the long and tedious task of counting and categorizing three hundred million people. I figure a temporary job is better than no job, or a bagel-related job, and it'll put some office experience on my résumé. Plus, the commute to the Census office is only half an hour or so, and I won't even have to switch trains - in this city, that's pretty cushy. I really hope this works out.

work, the more you know, medical stuff

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