Writer's Block: Saving Money

Aug 30, 2008 14:54

Everybody does say the same thing. Walk, buy a bike and ride it. Buy a smaller vehicle with better gas mileage so you don't have to buy as much gas. BUT WHAT IF.... you can't afford a new car, or you do not live close enough to where you work to ride a bike or walk. Thats great for if you live near town to walk to the store, or the bank or the post office little things like that. Which I am fortunate enough in my little town I can walk to places like that. But we can't walk to our jobs or ride a bike. We have two vehicles and it does get pretty damn expensive! What we try to do is do all our errands on the same day when at all possible to save gas and money. Like grocery shopping or the library or the mall things like that. Other then that I have no idea except to wait and see what our new president will do as far as oil prices hence the affect of gas prices!

writer's block

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