Jun 20, 2007 20:07
... well, that title doesn't really work, does it? :D Eh.
So I've been in Boston for nearly a year. Wow, it seems really long when spelled out like that. Let's see if I can whittle it down to a shorter version:
I joined crew ... had a great season though we didn't win a single race. We did beat BU in the second-to-last race, and I was moved up to varsity for the final races. The season ended on a sour note because of drama in the novice ranks, but with all things considered, I'm glad I joined. I met some good people. I quit smoking in October, and ran a half marathon around the Charles in April.
It seems that fall semester was my last easy one for the rest of my days as an undergrad. Spring semester was tough, but do-able (obviously, haha). Four classes, two labs, and a clinical, plus crew. This fall I'll have four classes and two clinicals (and crew, if I decide to continue). I hear Med/Surg is a bitch, but I'm really looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to all of my classes, actually.
I'm on coop right now, working in a recovery room at a local hospital, and all I can say is it's awesome. One of the nurses I shadow lets me do nursing stuff in addition to my PCA duties - so on my second real day I got to flush a femoral arterial line, and last week I got to punch a hole in a guy's chest to access his port-a-cath. Maybe I'll even get to insert a foley at some point this summer.
The house situation is worrisome and stressful ... I'm not sure quite what to do about it, but I'm pretty positive I'll have to work mass amounts of OT during the summer and continue working as much as I can during the semester just to stay afloat. *sigh*
That's about it for now ... I'm going to attempt to write more often, though it may just be about my adventures in poking people. :)