Photo taken from
foto_decadent, photographer unknown. Triple-layered gradient with color adjustment, 2/3 repixillation from smaller photo. Standard 800x600 wallpaper.
Photo taken from
foto_decadent, photographer unknown. Triple-layered gradient with color adjustment, 2/3 repixillation from smaller photo. Brushes from 8nero.net, but they don't seem to exist anymore. Standard 800x600 wallpaper.
Photo taken from
foto_decadent, photographer unknown. Triple-layered gradient with color adjustment, 2/3 repixillation from smaller photo. Brushes from 8nero.net, but they don't seem to exist anymore; additional work on small pasted area taken from brushes at
Hybrid Genesis (I think). Standard 800x600 wallpaper.
(Original photo for comparison, so the amount of repixillation can clearly be noted. More for my reference than anything.)
Rules simple and similar: don't care if you credit or not, just don't slap 'em up on a webpage and claim 'em as your own. And do not hotlink, thank you.