Dec 24, 2007 21:33
I am celebrating Christmas by watching zombie movies. Which are particularly awesome when they have a narrator who sings (and sometimes raps! AWESOME!), as in Dead and Breakfast. Next, I think I will move on to Slither, so that I can add some Nathan Fillion to my celebrating. Because what is a holiday without Nathan Fillion? A sad one!
Dude, I would totally join whatever religion considered Jesus a zombie. YES! (Please don't hate me, if you're religious. I think I ate too much chocolate a moment ago.)
I actually had to stop at the mall earlier today. It wasn't that bad - I only had one store to go to, I got a parking spot about 7 spots away from the door to the store, and what I wanted to buy was on sale! And I'd only waited in line for like 5 seconds before a sales person came by and opened another register to let me buy stuff. Woo! So the rest of today has been baking, watching cheesy tv Christmas movies, and finishing up the scarf for Scott's cousin. I think it should be done before the end of the movie. Awesome.
Merry Christmas, y'all!