strange how the ears ring after a night of wrongdoing

May 16, 2006 00:42

Dear Ambulette,

HOLY CRAP! You are the best opening band that I've seen in a long time! Wow.

Thank you,


Dear Rainer Maria,

I don't know how you do it, but you get better and better every time I see you play. I wouldn't think it was possible, since you so often blow me away, but somehow you do it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Much love,

P.S. The blue skull t-shirt design is great! I wish I had the extra cash to actually purchase it, instead of admiring it from afar.


Dear person in front of me for RM's set,

Thank you for smelling like LUSH! It was a lovely treat to see not only an awesome band, but to smell something yummy for their whole set! Much better than that show where the dude in front of me kept farting.

Yours in LUSHiness,


Dear S & A,

Sorry you missed the show - I hope everything is (as) okay (as it can be) with Olivia...please let me know if I can do anything.



Dear former co-workers,

Sucks to be you - you should have come to the show! But at least a bunch of you are now listening to Rainer Maria, which is pretty darn awesome.

Missing your entertaining randomness,

music, concerts, postcards

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