Feb 18, 2007 20:27
Definitely is definitely a lie. And that's a paradox. But that's how my life feels; one giant paradox, flush with contradiction in every context. My perspectives on life are obfuscated with these contradtictions and I'm at the point where my mental faculties are exhausted, and, quite frankly, bored. On a less ambiguous note, women tend to be the driving force behind most of my frustrations, and more recently i've been left bewildered by a certain set of a few words, including "definitely".
The word "definitely" seems to be the default when it comes to expressing the exact opposite - uncertainty. First of all, let's start off by defining definitely. For the grammar-savvy, what I am referring to is the use of the word as an interjection, because i feel that when used as an adverb it holds more emphasis/truth. For example:
I will definitely finish my paper on time.
P1: Will you finish your paper on time? P2: Definitely!
Which sounds more assuring? On that note...
def·i·nite·ly /ˈdɛfənɪtli/
3.(used to express complete agreement or strong affirmation)
COMPLETE aggreement, STRONG affirmation. ...to me it's been more like... a sugar-coated courtesy. And just like the sugar that rots away my teeth, that word has been rotting away my soul since the inception of my newfound belief that I was not vulnerable and should get back in the game of meeting girls again. But I should have known. Or maybe I couldn't have? After all, never will I understand the enigma that is woman. So should I blame myself for being so ingenuous?
So, you can see what i'm getting at. And you can extrapolate why/how girls have said this word to me. I just wish people were more honest. But I don't think it's a about dishonesty. I think that these girls i've been meeting have a common link: they don't know what they want. And for different reasons...there are other guys in their life...their friends and family have opposing views of what is good for them...whatever. And it's not their fault. It's their right. It makes sense. And also I might be overreacting. Maybe it's just a simple case of you-only-want-the-ones-you-cant-get. There's some truth to that, but I think there's a lot more behind my penchants than meets the eye.
There is definitely a correlation between use of that word and a lack of assurance, or in extreme cases, outright aversion. So give me some feedback. Do you use the word ever to kind of get around legitimate confirmation of plans? Do people ever do it to you? Do you have any key words that people use sometimes that aren't what they seem? "definitely" is just a word that i've been hanging off of lately...with one hand. If i'm only one word away from heartbreak, I'd rather it be prevented.