You were absolutely right, we do have a lot of things in common. Here's the things you pointed out that I can definitely agree with in myself:
I'm on twitter. (By the way, I just started following youuuuu. And sent you a tweet on there about who I am and why I'm not a creeper, mostly. ;D)
the times I'm not listening to music are few and far between; and even then I'm singing in my head, anointing thoughts with lyrical contributions.
I love to learn, about mostly anything.
I am not my own person, I am an amalgamated mix of everyone I have ever known. just. skewed, a little.
I write fics, but very rarely finish them. I write short fiction because it's easier to finish.
I draw, but I can't, but I try.
Some more about me: My actual name is Amber, but Cherry has been one of my nicknames for as long as I can remember. Variations on "Cherry" are also frequent nicknames on the interwebz.
I used to make a ton of icons but now I've shifted to spending most of my time reading fics.
I have a ton of things I want to write but lack the motivation to start writing them.
I'm hardly on time for most things anymore. Expect lateness from me.
I take my education very seriously and will stay up until late hours of the night alternating on homework and reading fics.
I'm an American and not really sure if that's something I should hide or be proud of.
I really want to travel to the UK and to France.
Mikey Way and I share the same birthday (September 10th).
I am obsessed with correct spelling, no lie. If I don't know how to spell something I will immediately pull out one of my many dictionaries and look it up.
I've pretty much figured out that I'm going to be alone, probably not have kids, probably not marry. And I'm pretty okay with that.
I don't know what else to put so I'm going to end it there. XD
YAY I'M SO GLAD YOU FOUND ME ON TWITTER. :DD I hadn't gotten around to looking for you but I would have been like "Emilie how much of a creeper can you be STOP BEING LAME NOW."
awesome! :D how did you get Cherry, if you don't mind me asking? :3 my web!nickname is Kitten, but I get it in real life sometimes, too. XD and all the variations of it.
I mostly read/write fics, but I like making icons sometimes. more I just like stealing them.
OH MAN I KNOW HOW THAT FEELS SO HARD. I find if you start when you're bored or something, then it sortof rolls off and you finish them quicker? or get someone to pester you incessantly about it. :D
expect doziness from me. I forget about things too easily. I also get REALLY OVEREXCITED about a lot of things. :3
that's something I really should do, and I admire you for it. seriously. :)
I'm not entirely either, but I like Americans. most of the people I admire are American, and my life is very influenced by your country. I'm British, and I'm not sure if that's something I should hide or be proud of, either.
the UK is. different. green. lovely. REALLY COLD RIGHT NOW. you'd have to come say hi. France is nice; I haven't been much though.
that's so cool. *________*
we are going to be the best of friends, for real. I am the same. D: when someone tells me I've spelt something wrong I get genuinely embarrassed.
mm, we'll see. (lol that sounds so creepy and I think different~~) all I know is life has the power to kick up one hell of a lot of surprises, and nothing is ever really known for sure.
idek how Cherry came about. I'm pretty sure it came from my hair looking red in the summer, or something? But it sort of just stuck, haha.
Tehehehe stealing icons. ;D I sort of do, too, except you have a paid account while I am a lonely plus-er with only 15 userpics. :(
That's a really good idea, actually. I need to learn to WRITE instead of REREAD when I'm bored, now, ahaha.
Doziness is fine as long as you can deal with my lateness. ;D And excitement is the spice of life! Or something. :D
N'aw, thanks, most of the time it makes me feel like a l0s3r n3rD, haha. :)
That's kind of cool, that you feel really influenced by our country, though I guess that's sort of the deal with the whole world, if I'm not mistaken. (I don't know, the only other country I've visited is Canada which is not much of a departure from my own country.) IT'S REALLY COLD HERE TOO D: I would love to come say hi and then take a ferry to France, or something. \o/ that's pretty much my dream vacation.
:D :D :D :D :D :D If/when I ever meet Mikeyway for real, I would want to tell him about it. I don't know if he'd think it was cool or be like, weirded out by it. He'd probably be all :| that's cool :| :|.
YAY BEST FRIENDS. I get embarrassed, too, because out of everyone I know I'm the one who only remotely cares about spelling, so if I spell something wrong obviously they wanna poke fun at me for it. x)
I do not think it is creepy. :D Okay, maybe slightly creepy BUT THAT'S OKAY BECAUSE YOU ARE AWESOME. And yeah, that's true. I guess I have a chance? Eh, I don't really chase romantic relationships or anything, so if something happens it's probably not going to be due to anything I've done. Or maybe it'll be because I'm being my totally ~weirdo self and someone thinks I'm cool, or whatever. Or I totally change my outlook on life and make romance my #1 priority.
:D :D :D :D (It's sort of a crap picture but LOOK HIPS) :D :D :D
better cherry than ginger like me. also, the best nicknames are the random ones which stick. if someone doesn't have a nickname, they shouldn't go looking for one.
eee that was a really recent Christmas present from the lovely thebiologicshow. I am still bouncing around over it, and when it runs out I now have an excuse to pay for my own (ifyouthinkI'mlosingallthoseiconsyouaresorelymistaken).
do it do it do it do it I haven't had a chance to look back at any existing fics you have written but don't worry I'm gonna. >:3
yaaaaaay we are agreed we suck just a little but but it's copeable with. :333 AWESOMESAUCE. :D
better to be that than working in Walmart, m'love. :3
yeeeeah, America has that effect on. yanno. the globe. :P the snow here, atm, is horrendous. for real. nine inches, maybe? :/ lame. and if it is, then whaddya gonna do? make it happen one day! for real. you'll only regret it if you don't.
ahaha! I think you're right, a bit. XD I don't think he'd be weirded out though, it's not like you can help it or anything. XDD
aaaaaah. now you see I know a coupla people who are the same as me. (btw, I am really bad for colloquialisation and abbreviations, like 'gonna', 'coupla', 'btw' aaand. erm. 'brb'. not that I'd use it on LJ but you get the idea. XD) but at the same time, a lot I talk to who aren't. Facebook kills my brain a lot.
YAY AWESOME NEGATES CREEPY must remember that. and that's fair enough. :) if you're happier that way- and trust me I can totally understand why- then go for it. I just think there are a lot of people in the world and, take it from me, sometimes you have No Idea what might be round the corner. XD
*_______________________________________________* OHMYGODRIGHT there is no way you could have known this but I'm actually using that as my first tattoo? basically, wherever is black is going to be my skin and the rest is gonna be outlined and coloured. I'm not old enough to get it done YET (next May next May THIS MAY AS IN LESS THAN FIVE MONTHS EEE) but I can't WAIT. mmm HIPS. which are the way you know it's Frank. :3 I wanted something MCR which didn't SCREAM My Chemical Romance and which something only a fan would recognise? so, le hips. :3 everyone knows Frank's got those tatts. eee. tatts on tatt. ANYWAY. RETURN PICTURE FOR BEING SO AWESOME AND PSYCHIC/LUCKY??
TATT AND BIRTHDAY THEME. :DDD you've probably seen this before, I realise, but it doesn't take away from the fact LOOK AT HIS LITTLE FACE HE IS ADORABLE.
ps. second edit was not to squee about SHORT TIME UNTIL EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY it was to correct formatting fuck up. sahrry. ♥
Ah yeah, I guess that's true. I'd get super annoyed if anyone called me ginger. x] Or if that was my actual name and my hair
:D :D :D :D YAY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! That is a lovely present. :D Oh, I have no doubt you'll be keeping them, if I was gifted with a paid account for a while then I'd probably scrape up enough money to pay for my account after that runs out, too.
YAY FICS. :D They're not too immensely amazing but I'd love to know what you thinkkkkkk.
Who, for real? Nine inches? That's horrendous. D: And I know, I'm definitely going to make it happen sometime, whether it's a study abroad experience or I have to live off of very little money for a few years in order to go.
Yeah, "Uhm, sorry? I...didn't know I'd be born on your birthday. :\" And then he'd feel bad. xD
D: That's sort of what I've heard. I kind of don't really want a FB, tbh. The interface seems weird to me and also friends of my parents have invited me to join, and I sort of like keeping my internet life away from my 'rents.
IT SHOULD BE YOUR PERSONAL MANTRA. And that's true, you never really know what's going to come up. It sort of makes you wanna not plan anything because a lot of things turn out to be not what you planned for at all. x]
HOLY SHIT I AM FUCKING PSYCHIC FOR REAL. I just randomly opened up my Frank picture folder and scrolled through it and was all, "Oh, this one looks nice," and apparently THAT IS MY PSYCHIC BRAIN DOING ALL THE WORK. But for real, that is really awesome, I definitely approve of your tattoo choices. :D I'm more inclined to be pierced than tattooed (idk, it seems like piercings are less permanent and I fear that ten years after I get a tatt I'm going to absolutely hate it) but that is an ace choice for a tattoo, and it's definitely not anything random peeps would recognize unless they KNOW Frank.
people do/did call me ginger... mostly as a term of affection. my hair is brown until the light shines through it in summer and I think squirrels are attacking my face. :3
heeeeee. well anyone reading this knows what to get YOU for birthday/Christmas/Easter/whatever. :DDD but yeah, and I even have my own card to do it with now. sorteeeeed. is one of life's ultimate necessities because I now put my heart and soul into LJ to make it worth her while and money and I loves it. :33
YAY OKAY is on my list of things to do and has been promoted to RIGHT AT THE VERY TOP. :D well, after "get chocolate."
for a second there I wasn't sure what this was in response to and was like O_____O and yes, lol. is so cold out. ; __ ; you'll be okay sweetheart, we'll look after you in Britain, anyhow. :3
aaaaaw poor Mikey. *cuddles him lots* it's still really fucking awesome, though.
I've got one, and won't delete it 'cause it's the only way I stay in touch with a lot of people (tragic), but if I didn't have it with what I know now I wouldn't have ever made one. :/ you're probably happier. also yes, relatives of friends and friends of relatives have added me (both groups equally as traumatic) and I'm just like "um. what's the social protocol, here?" my mum even asked if she could keep in touch with an old friend using my Facebook and I am like "NO, GET YOUR OWN". XD my FB life is almost totally seperate to my internet life, though.
IT SHOULD BE. I QUITE LIKE THAT. duuuude, plan things and let life play with them. it's well fun. :DDD
DUDE I KNOW RIGHT I WAS SO LIKE "OMG WHAT". YOUR PSYCHIC BRAIN IS A FUCKING GENIUS. thaaaanks wait, did you see the other ones? I'm sure I did a post on them at some point. :3 I used to want to get pierced loads, then I got my ears done and they never healed and I am like I CANNOT BE BOTHERED WITH THIS. MMMMMMM MAIN POINT? FRANK IERO WILL BE ON ME. ;)
Tehehehehehehe yes they do. XD And yeah, that's so true! If something now suddenly costs you money you better damn well make it worth that money if it was free before.
Yay! :33
*nods vehemently* yes, yes it is. :)
XD. Yeah, I figure I don't really want one or need one, it's...just something that I can live without. I have 203742834 profiles all over the interwebz but most of them are out of date and I don't care about those sites much anymore, so. And I don't really care a whole lot about a bunch of people that I come in contact with irl, so why would I want to know your relationship status on my newsfeed, or whatever? I don't. So gtfo. Aaaaaaaand that's why FB is not my friend. xD Glad to know people agree with me. ;)
I should, I should. XD I like planning things and then having them go as planned, though. BECAUSE WHAT IF THE UNEXPECTED RUINS YOUR LIFE? *not a high risk taker*
YAY BRAINS. I have not seen this entry! But I have not been on the computer in approximately four days, so I shall go look for it now. I MISSED MY INTERNETS.
I'm on twitter. (By the way, I just started following youuuuu. And sent you a tweet on there about who I am and why I'm not a creeper, mostly. ;D)
the times I'm not listening to music are few and far between; and even then I'm singing in my head, anointing thoughts with lyrical contributions.
I love to learn, about mostly anything.
I am not my own person, I am an amalgamated mix of everyone I have ever known. just. skewed, a little.
I write fics, but very rarely finish them. I write short fiction because it's easier to finish.
I draw, but I can't, but I try.
Some more about me:
My actual name is Amber, but Cherry has been one of my nicknames for as long as I can remember. Variations on "Cherry" are also frequent nicknames on the interwebz.
I used to make a ton of icons but now I've shifted to spending most of my time reading fics.
I have a ton of things I want to write but lack the motivation to start writing them.
I'm hardly on time for most things anymore. Expect lateness from me.
I take my education very seriously and will stay up until late hours of the night alternating on homework and reading fics.
I'm an American and not really sure if that's something I should hide or be proud of.
I really want to travel to the UK and to France.
Mikey Way and I share the same birthday (September 10th).
I am obsessed with correct spelling, no lie. If I don't know how to spell something I will immediately pull out one of my many dictionaries and look it up.
I've pretty much figured out that I'm going to be alone, probably not have kids, probably not marry. And I'm pretty okay with that.
I don't know what else to put so I'm going to end it there. XD
awesome! :D how did you get Cherry, if you don't mind me asking? :3 my web!nickname is Kitten, but I get it in real life sometimes, too. XD and all the variations of it.
I mostly read/write fics, but I like making icons sometimes. more I just like stealing them.
OH MAN I KNOW HOW THAT FEELS SO HARD. I find if you start when you're bored or something, then it sortof rolls off and you finish them quicker? or get someone to pester you incessantly about it. :D
expect doziness from me. I forget about things too easily. I also get REALLY OVEREXCITED about a lot of things. :3
that's something I really should do, and I admire you for it. seriously. :)
I'm not entirely either, but I like Americans. most of the people I admire are American, and my life is very influenced by your country. I'm British, and I'm not sure if that's something I should hide or be proud of, either.
the UK is. different. green. lovely. REALLY COLD RIGHT NOW. you'd have to come say hi. France is nice; I haven't been much though.
that's so cool. *________*
we are going to be the best of friends, for real. I am the same. D: when someone tells me I've spelt something wrong I get genuinely embarrassed.
mm, we'll see. (lol that sounds so creepy and I think different~~) all I know is life has the power to kick up one hell of a lot of surprises, and nothing is ever really known for sure.
XD that's okay. END IT WITH A BANG.
Tehehehe stealing icons. ;D I sort of do, too, except you have a paid account while I am a lonely plus-er with only 15 userpics. :(
That's a really good idea, actually. I need to learn to WRITE instead of REREAD when I'm bored, now, ahaha.
Doziness is fine as long as you can deal with my lateness. ;D And excitement is the spice of life! Or something. :D
N'aw, thanks, most of the time it makes me feel like a l0s3r n3rD, haha. :)
That's kind of cool, that you feel really influenced by our country, though I guess that's sort of the deal with the whole world, if I'm not mistaken. (I don't know, the only other country I've visited is Canada which is not much of a departure from my own country.) IT'S REALLY COLD HERE TOO D: I would love to come say hi and then take a ferry to France, or something. \o/ that's pretty much my dream vacation.
:D :D :D :D :D :D If/when I ever meet Mikeyway for real, I would want to tell him about it. I don't know if he'd think it was cool or be like, weirded out by it. He'd probably be all :| that's cool :| :|.
YAY BEST FRIENDS. I get embarrassed, too, because out of everyone I know I'm the one who only remotely cares about spelling, so if I spell something wrong obviously they wanna poke fun at me for it. x)
I do not think it is creepy. :D Okay, maybe slightly creepy BUT THAT'S OKAY BECAUSE YOU ARE AWESOME. And yeah, that's true. I guess I have a chance? Eh, I don't really chase romantic relationships or anything, so if something happens it's probably not going to be due to anything I've done. Or maybe it'll be because I'm being my totally ~weirdo self and someone thinks I'm cool, or whatever. Or I totally change my outlook on life and make romance my #1 priority.
:D :D :D :D (It's sort of a crap picture but LOOK HIPS) :D :D :D
eee that was a really recent Christmas present from the lovely thebiologicshow. I am still bouncing around over it, and when it runs out I now have an excuse to pay for my own (ifyouthinkI'mlosingallthoseiconsyouaresorelymistaken).
do it do it do it do it I haven't had a chance to look back at any existing fics you have written but don't worry I'm gonna. >:3
yaaaaaay we are agreed we suck just a little but but it's copeable with. :333 AWESOMESAUCE. :D
better to be that than working in Walmart, m'love. :3
yeeeeah, America has that effect on. yanno. the globe. :P the snow here, atm, is horrendous. for real. nine inches, maybe? :/ lame. and if it is, then whaddya gonna do? make it happen one day! for real. you'll only regret it if you don't.
ahaha! I think you're right, a bit. XD I don't think he'd be weirded out though, it's not like you can help it or anything. XDD
aaaaaah. now you see I know a coupla people who are the same as me. (btw, I am really bad for colloquialisation and abbreviations, like 'gonna', 'coupla', 'btw' aaand. erm. 'brb'. not that I'd use it on LJ but you get the idea. XD) but at the same time, a lot I talk to who aren't. Facebook kills my brain a lot.
YAY AWESOME NEGATES CREEPY must remember that. and that's fair enough. :) if you're happier that way- and trust me I can totally understand why- then go for it. I just think there are a lot of people in the world and, take it from me, sometimes you have No Idea what might be round the corner. XD
OHMYGODRIGHT there is no way you could have known this but I'm actually using that as my first tattoo? basically, wherever is black is going to be my skin and the rest is gonna be outlined and coloured. I'm not old enough to get it done YET (next May next May THIS MAY AS IN LESS THAN FIVE MONTHS EEE) but I can't WAIT. mmm HIPS. which are the way you know it's Frank. :3 I wanted something MCR which didn't SCREAM My Chemical Romance and which something only a fan would recognise? so, le hips. :3 everyone knows Frank's got those tatts. eee. tatts on tatt. ANYWAY. RETURN PICTURE FOR BEING SO AWESOME AND PSYCHIC/LUCKY??
TATT AND BIRTHDAY THEME. :DDD you've probably seen this before, I realise, but it doesn't take away from the fact LOOK AT HIS LITTLE FACE HE IS ADORABLE.
ps. second edit was not to squee about SHORT TIME UNTIL EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY it was to correct formatting fuck up. sahrry. ♥
:D :D :D :D YAY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! That is a lovely present. :D Oh, I have no doubt you'll be keeping them, if I was gifted with a paid account for a while then I'd probably scrape up enough money to pay for my account after that runs out, too.
YAY FICS. :D They're not too immensely amazing but I'd love to know what you thinkkkkkk.
Who, for real? Nine inches? That's horrendous. D: And I know, I'm definitely going to make it happen sometime, whether it's a study abroad experience or I have to live off of very little money for a few years in order to go.
Yeah, "Uhm, sorry? I...didn't know I'd be born on your birthday. :\" And then he'd feel bad. xD
D: That's sort of what I've heard. I kind of don't really want a FB, tbh. The interface seems weird to me and also friends of my parents have invited me to join, and I sort of like keeping my internet life away from my 'rents.
IT SHOULD BE YOUR PERSONAL MANTRA. And that's true, you never really know what's going to come up. It sort of makes you wanna not plan anything because a lot of things turn out to be not what you planned for at all. x]
HOLY SHIT I AM FUCKING PSYCHIC FOR REAL. I just randomly opened up my Frank picture folder and scrolled through it and was all, "Oh, this one looks nice," and apparently THAT IS MY PSYCHIC BRAIN DOING ALL THE WORK. But for real, that is really awesome, I definitely approve of your tattoo choices. :D I'm more inclined to be pierced than tattooed (idk, it seems like piercings are less permanent and I fear that ten years after I get a tatt I'm going to absolutely hate it) but that is an ace choice for a tattoo, and it's definitely not anything random peeps would recognize unless they KNOW Frank.
It's totes fine about the edits. :)
heeeeee. well anyone reading this knows what to get YOU for birthday/Christmas/Easter/whatever. :DDD but yeah, and I even have my own card to do it with now. sorteeeeed. is one of life's ultimate necessities because I now put my heart and soul into LJ to make it worth her while and money and I loves it. :33
YAY OKAY is on my list of things to do and has been promoted to RIGHT AT THE VERY TOP. :D well, after "get chocolate."
for a second there I wasn't sure what this was in response to and was like O_____O and yes, lol. is so cold out. ; __ ; you'll be okay sweetheart, we'll look after you in Britain, anyhow. :3
aaaaaw poor Mikey. *cuddles him lots* it's still really fucking awesome, though.
I've got one, and won't delete it 'cause it's the only way I stay in touch with a lot of people (tragic), but if I didn't have it with what I know now I wouldn't have ever made one. :/ you're probably happier.
also yes, relatives of friends and friends of relatives have added me (both groups equally as traumatic) and I'm just like "um. what's the social protocol, here?" my mum even asked if she could keep in touch with an old friend using my Facebook and I am like "NO, GET YOUR OWN". XD my FB life is almost totally seperate to my internet life, though.
IT SHOULD BE. I QUITE LIKE THAT. duuuude, plan things and let life play with them. it's well fun. :DDD
DUDE I KNOW RIGHT I WAS SO LIKE "OMG WHAT". YOUR PSYCHIC BRAIN IS A FUCKING GENIUS. thaaaanks wait, did you see the other ones? I'm sure I did a post on them at some point. :3 I used to want to get pierced loads, then I got my ears done and they never healed and I am like I CANNOT BE BOTHERED WITH THIS.
no edits this time, only pictureee. :DDD
Tehehehehehehe yes they do. XD And yeah, that's so true! If something now suddenly costs you money you better damn well make it worth that money if it was free before.
Yay! :33
*nods vehemently* yes, yes it is. :)
XD. Yeah, I figure I don't really want one or need one, it's...just something that I can live without. I have 203742834 profiles all over the interwebz but most of them are out of date and I don't care about those sites much anymore, so. And I don't really care a whole lot about a bunch of people that I come in contact with irl, so why would I want to know your relationship status on my newsfeed, or whatever? I don't. So gtfo.
Aaaaaaaand that's why FB is not my friend. xD Glad to know people agree with me. ;)
I should, I should. XD I like planning things and then having them go as planned, though. BECAUSE WHAT IF THE UNEXPECTED RUINS YOUR LIFE? *not a high risk taker*
YAY BRAINS. I have not seen this entry! But I have not been on the computer in approximately four days, so I shall go look for it now. I MISSED MY INTERNETS.
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