Add me with a comment. Tell me something good about yourself. Name: Emilie / Kitten
Killjoy Name: Ultra-Violent
Age: Eighteen
Location: London
Bio: I'm fiercely loyal to the people who matter most. I do let myself get too into things. A lot of the time I feel out of my depth, and I'm working on that. The chances are I will admire you far more than you know. I am not my own person, I am an amalgamated mix of everyone I have ever known. Only skewed a little. Sometimes I write; sometimes I don't have time, or I say I don't. I like to make sense of things, but some things don't need making sense of. Some things just are.
Places To Find Me:
Twitter /
tumblr. I will add you on Facebook if I know who you are. I do not accept creepers. You can still try, I might know of you.
Now, tell me something about you.