Okay. It took two hours of flailing, three messages from a kind stranger I accidentally sent questions to by mistake, two reblogs, and learning what the fuck a reblog is, but I finally figured out tumblr works enough to post this!
Click here for the full image and to leave feedback on her tumblr! Thank you so much,
muchacha11!!!!!! Oh, my god, you guys. I have no idea what I ever did to be so lucky, becase this is just gorgeous. I loveloveloveLOVE the way Jackie's left the image devoid of colour except for the red highlights, with the piping on the jackets and the ties and the ORDERS. OH MY GOD the orders! I seriously cannot imagine a more incredible depiction of the orders. The red and the black, and they're real commands from the fic itself, and highlighting the commands from Chapter Four Part Two that almost destroyed who Kurt was... I honestly don't have words for how amazing this is!
Also, the BOYS. Look at the boys! Dave with his face pressed into Kurt's shoulder as he whispers the orders, and Blaine looking so scared and freaked out, and Kurt starting to go out of it with his hair all a-muss and his shoulder exposed, oh my GOD. This is just so amazingly brilliant, and I cannot thank Jackie enough for it!!!
So basically what happened was that
aphro_dites commented on Chapter Four, Part Two saying "I saw this linked on tumblr! It's pretty cool!" And I thought to myself (because I'm a moron): hmm! Tumblr, eh? I have no idea how that works, but I should go find that rec and say thank you! So I started trying to figure out tumblr, which basically amounted to me flailing at the screen and poking buttons, and SOMEHOW (I honestly have no idea how because I cannot navigate myself around that site if I had a map and a compass) I came across this absolutely stunning piece of art that was posted today!
And here's where I start to be an idiot. Because even though I recognized the art from a million things all over fandom and LOVED it, I had no idea at all who drew it because I'm just that bad at tumblr. And. Well. I proceeded to make a complete idiot of myself over tumblr for the next hour or so, trying to figure out who made it/how I could say thank you/how to post the link on my journal. XD
A million thank-yous to
aphro_dites for drawing my attention to tumblr in the first place, to
chatterboxrose on tumblr for answering my mis-sent messages and sending me in the right direction, to
MyScarlettLady on twitter for recognizing the art and telling me who drew it, and of course to
muchacha11 who actually drew the damn thing!
Seriously, you guys. I shouldn't be allowed on the internet without supervision. X_X