Aug 10, 2011 18:32

YOU GUYS YOU GUYS YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!   Something absolutely amazing and wonderful happened!

glitterp_fic  made FANART for "My Body Betrays Me"!!  And it's stunning!! :D :D :D

Click here for a bigger version or to go leave feedback on her tumblr!

oserhduwesifhvworbldifgchoqwhliuhg!!!!  Is it not the single most beautiful thing you've ever seen??? Her style is just so gorgeous, and Kurt's eyes and hair are beautiful, and the way she's turned it into a stained-glass window? Just... incredible. Honestly, when she sent me the link I freaked the fuck out and had a huge grin on my face all day. No one has ever done anything like this for a story of mine before, and I just couldn't be happier. Thank you so much, glitterp_fic !!!

Also, look at the figures in the background? Look familliar? Like a recent scene we had in "Body"? *head explodes* YOU GUYS ARE ALL SO AMAZING AND TALENTED AND BEAUTIFUL. MY LOVE FOR YOU WILL NEVER END. <3 <3 <3

I seriously cannot stop looking at this, it's that beautiful! I have no idea, really, how tumblr works, but if there's a mechanism for leaving her feedback you should definitely use it! She's mentioned that she might post this on her LJ eventually, and if she does I'll link that here as well.

fanart, glee, my body betrays me

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