Nov 08, 2006 21:10
So now they're saying Jim Webb won the election. I don't think anyone I've ever voted for has won, so this is refreshing. I just hope it holds. I'm totally sick about the "marriage amendment" passing, but really not surprised. But that was tempered a little bit with Rumsfeld's resignation today. It's a mad, mad world.
Otherwise, I haven't been posting because I haven't really had anything to say. Interesting and good things have happened, but nothing that's really jumped out. I'm still not sure of seasonal affective disorder is a real thing, but if it is, I have it.
The good news is that my trip to New York, which is the only thing that's kept me from having a nervous breakdown, is coming up in a couple weeks, and then my birthday and Christmas will be here. As I type this, there's a Christmas commercial for Kohl's on TV, which drives me up the freaking wall, but whatever. As much as I'm against Christmas before Thanksgiving, it _is_ my favorite holiday, so maybe I should just look at at extended Christmas season as more time to be festive and look forward to things. But I still reserve the right to refuse to think about gifts and cards until after I eat my turkey. And it's going to be a weird Thanksgiving this year because my sister won't be here, and my mom is going to have to work in the afternoon, so I'm a little wary.