Happy Fourth of July!

Jul 04, 2012 14:16

I'm depressed and totally apathetic, which means no studying in a week where I'm supposed to be studying for a test. I'm just exhausted... I also think it's because of the full moon and the fibromyalgia flare I'm having. I knew the excitement couldn't last forever.

Sis is also flaring so she's sleeping all day. Mom's at work. It's only 2pm, but the neighbors are already setting off whistling firecracker things. I'm happy, however, because it seems that, for the most part, people don't have the gigantic sets of fireworks like during New Years. There was very little firework exploding yesterday, so I'm hopeful that whatever stock is left will be set off tonight. I think it helps that the 4th is in the middle of the week.

Gladys Kravitz is gone!! The nosy next door neighbor has moved to Florida and her daughter, grandson, and her daughter's supposedly horrible baby daddy are now living in the house. Sweet Baby Jesus I'm so happy.

However, there are horrible things remembered this week: My cousin, Tyler, died in a horrible accident on July 1, 2003. My sister's godfather died in a horrible accident on July 3, 2011. It's really hard every Fourth to remember good times when such horrible things also have taken place in this week.

I'm trying to focus on happy things like my best friends, Ina and Bryan's 10th anniversary two days from now. They're still as happy as they've been since they met Freshman year of high school (1996). They are truly soul mates and I couldn't be more lucky to have these two people in my life. I'm also trying to remember all of the good parties I had in middle- and high school on the Fourth. I'd have all of my friends over to swim in the pool, eat hamburgers and hotdogs and my special flag shortcake, and then we'd all pack in Mom's minivan to head down to Town Lake in Austin (now called Lady Bird Lake - after the First Lady) where the Austin Symphony Orchestra would play patriotic music and the Texas National Guard would shoot off their giant Howitzer guns during the 1812. This was followed by an always awesome fireworks display. We did this every year from my 6th grade year until we graduated high school. Which was why the 4th was my favorite holiday for years.

I hope you all have a good holiday. That you spend time with family or friends, eat good food, watch awesome fireworks, and stay bug bite free. 

death, school, sis, cristina, mom, apathy, lyle, depression, tyler, anniversary, bryan, holiday, nosy bitch next door

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