Jun 18, 2012 14:34
I'm supposed to be studying for my first test in Medical Terminology over the basic word building blocks - Greek and Latin root words, prefixes, and suffixes - and the terms for the digestive system (which have grossed me out on several occasions). Instead I'm writing this and checking Facebook. Mainly it's because I really hate the digestive system stuff. I know it's pretty bad when I was kind of excited that the next chapter was on the urinary tract. And the digestive system chapters have just confirmed to me that I need to stay on the paperwork side of medicine because I can just barely deal with pictures of the particular things - and got really kind of nauseated looking at a diagram of an anal fistula - so there's no way in hell I'd be able to deal with it in person.
However, the good news is this: I'm getting one step closer to my goal of getting my medical billing/coding certificate. The whole thing will probably still take about 2 years to complete, but I'm taking baby steps to get there. It's rather nice to feel like I'm actually doing SOMETHING productive. *sigh*