Jun 10, 2011 15:05

 He needs to flush ALL the lines. Which means the kitties that generally live in the upstairs bathroom now need to inhabit my room for the time that he needs to be in that bathroom. We've had the litter boxes in that tub for the past year. It's clogged and covered in cat litter. That toilet leaks around the gasket, and so when he tries it, he'll discover that leak. This is HORRENDOUS on a scale I couldn't imagine a minute ago. I told Mom that we could try to convince him that since we haven't used either the toilet or tub in MONTHS, those lines shoudln't be clogged. She's not taking that for a try. We now have about 30 minutes to put up all the cats and clean the upstairs bathroom, which is DISGUSTING at the moment.

Mom's pissed that I'm taking a second to type all this up, but its' either that or scream. I'm trying to stay in my room and not do anything outside, since that will only cause things to escalate. I'm not in a place where I can have Mom barking at me. I know she's doing it because she's stressed and it really isn't about me, but when you're already stressed, being yelled at for a long time isn't conducive to rational, calm thinking. And that's where I am. If I continue to be yelled at, I'm going to lose it, and that will only make things a zillion times worse. Sarah is in an emotional place where she can handle that, but, especially since I can't see Monica or talk to her until Monday (she's at a conference in Austin, naturally), I just CAN'T.

BTW, I was totally right. The water softener HAS been hooked up this whole time we were in the house. Mom thought it wasn't, and so we never did any maintenance on it. Now the filter, which contains those tiny orange crystals, has broken, and THAT's what's clogging all our lines. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT.

plumbing, shitty-ass-shityness, stress, house, mom

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