So... Hi there

May 08, 2011 18:36

I've been such a bad poster lately. I really REALLY REALLY need to get on that. I tend to live more on Facebook than anything else. If you want to friend me on FB, send me an email - emerybored at - and we'll trade info.

So. Here's what's been happening: I'm slowly getting over the surgery. My nose aches, but, since I'm only 3 weeks post-op, that's to be expected. It's really hard sometimes to remember that I even HAD surgery, since I feel facially exactly the same as before. All the differences are on the inside. I can tell in my breathing, somewhat, since there's a decent amount of swelling where they removed the turbinate on the right side. That's been kind of a bitch for a week or so, since the swelling is triggering massive bad headaches (like the ones I was suffering before, which this should hopefully fix). I'm hoping that will go down soon and I'll be less headachy.

I got together with my friend Megan a few weeks ago. We were planning to get together today, but she ended up having to spend it with her mother-in-law. We've rescheduled for next weekend. It was really good talking to her. I've known her since first grade. That makes it almost 25 years. I shared all of my dirty laundry - the abuse, Dad's sociopathy, my mental health issues, my living with Mom, my failed relationship with Heather, etc - and she took it all in stride. That's what happens when you've had a friend that long. They are cool with you, screwed up bits and all. Knowing that there are people out there outside of Mom and Sis that love me even though I have all of these issues is a really fabulous thing. It's hard to remember that sometimes, particularly when I'm in the depths of depression. I can't explain how great it was that she contacted me again after our first meeting. I was kind of giving her space, since I had off-loaded so much heavy info on our first meeting, I wanted to let her process it all, and decide if she even wanted to hang out again. When she facebook messaged me, I was thrilled. We're meeting at a restaurant called Chuy's. It's an originally Austin restaurant, and has the best Mexican food IN THE WORLD. I kid you not. If you're ever in the Austin/Houston area, you HAVE to go. It's FABULOUS.

OOOH! Okay, so the other day, Fluffy peed on my shoes. Both pairs. The only shoes I had that I could wear every day. I was just so pissed off, I couldn't even focus. I was upset because I knew we really didn't have the money to buy me a new pair of shoes, yet I needed some. Mom, wonderfully, said I could get some anyway. (Which is yet another reason why she is the best mother in the world.) I found a really cute, comfortable pair on sale for 1/2 off at Famous Footwear. They're Shape-ups, but they're sandals.

It's like walking on sand. Having 2" of squishiness under my foot is so fabulous. Since I spend a lot of time in the clinic standing for stuff, having that cushion is awesome. They're cute with jeans (my main fashion staple). I also like that, because they're fisherman-style, I don't have to worry about making sure my nails are painted and pretty. I also don't have to be self-conscious about my feet in general. I have ugly dancer's feet - yes, at one point, I was a dancer, even though it's not obvious now. Between that mess and my genetically weird-looking feet, I tend to avoid many regular flip-flops. I've worn them around the store and around Walgreens, and I can actually feel it somewhat in my legs already. The manager at the shoe store sold me when she said that she wore her pair around for the month before her wedding, and had to have her dress taken in because she lost a dress size. She said she's gone from a 12 to a 6 in 6 months. I was like, "Holy crap." I'd love to have even a little more toned, skinny butt/thighs. What's also fabulous is that, even though I spent 30 minutes in Walgreens, my feet don't hurt at all. Something that never happened when wearing any other shoes. These ones are normally $90. I got them for $40. I know, right?

Let's see, what else. Oh! I keep taking pictures of Monsieur. I can't help it. He's just so adorable.

I'm loving Doctor Who this season. The two overarching plots - the Silents and the Astronaut shooting - are a lot less clunky and intrusive than the crack from last season. I seriously love the Silents and how the disturbance of the silence from last season has been explained in these creatures. Moffat has definitely gotten better this year. I cannot express how much I love all of the main characters. Matt Smith is a genius with regard to Eleven. I love how he speaks like his brain is always 8 thoughts ahead of what he's saying, in this crazy manic style. River Song. OMG. So awesome. She's definitely a fictional character crush of mine. (And I've added Alex Kingston to my celebrity crush list.) The Amy/Rory thing is great. I really like that The Doctor has two companions this time. And that they all get along and work together so well. The relationship between the three of them is so fascinating. Rory being slightly jealous of Amy's relationship with The Doctor, and The Doctor feeling slightly jealous (I think) of Rory's relationship with Amy. I really REALLY wanted The Doctor to wear the pirate tricorn last night - "I wear a pirate hat now. Pirate hats are cool." - though he did mention it for a second.

That's the main bit. I'm taking it pretty easy right now. The fibromyalgia is kinda flaring, so it takes a decent bit of exertion to get out and do anything. At least I have awesome kitties to cuddle with, and a ton of stuff to watch on TV. I'm also still engrossed by the Song of Fire and Ice series by George R. R. Martin. I can't wait until HBO does a free preview so I can watch their series based on the first book A Game of Thrones. I'm on the third book, A Storm of Swords. There are only two left in the series. This is one of those series where you get upset when you have to give up following the characters.

I hope everyone who is a mother is having a great Mother's day - even if you're a Mommy to only furry children.

austin, sis, surgery, mom, cats, shopping, headaches, books, celebrities, fibromyalgia, facebook, shoes, family, fluffy, friends, doctor who

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