Wow. Our family just can't seem to have one medical drama at a time. Thursday, Mom started having floaters in her vision and missed work Friday to see my godfather (an ophthalmologist). Turns out she has a couple of tiny retinal tears in her left eye from when she got punched out by a patient at the state psych hospital a couple of years ago. She also is starting to have floaters and flashes because her vitreous is shrinking and pulling away from the retina in her right eye (which, while a fairly normal thing to see in a 60-yr-old, it's still not cool). She was having issues driving home in the dark the other night. Yikes.
Then, after my marathon cleaning session Weds, I ended up with absurd amounts of back pain. I expected some. This was sciatica from HELL. Every time I stood up, my right butt cheek would sting and it would feel like my right femur was on fire. It's getting better now, but damn, that sucked.
Today. Sis has caught some gnarly infection in her upper lip and it's swollen up like the world's worst collagen injection. She's currently headed to the local ER to get some antibiotics.
Tomorrow, I have my disability exam. I'm not thrilled at all. I'm actually quite nervous.
Okay!! In other news.... I'm STILL reading that book, The Eye of the World, by Robert Jordan. I now have less than 1/4 left. It's dense, but really interesting. Still don't really know what "the eye of the world" is, but, at this point, I'm determined to find out. (And I really want Mat to fall off a cliff permentantly.)
Oooh! Thunder! What a strange and wonderful sound! (Honestly, it's been so long that the first rumble I attributed to one of the gas-powered penis extensions -- aka motorcycles and tricked out trucks with no mufflers -- that live around here.) I'm really crossing my fingers for rain.
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LJ for WebOS.