Jun 26, 2010 19:35

Still itchy. By a lot. However, my ridiculous treatment regimen seems to be working well enough for me to get some decent sleep. For any of you that might encounter the super-venomous mosquitoes buzzing around, here's my recipe:
1% hydrocortisone cream, rub generous amount on affected area until absorbed
Feminine itch cream (Benzocaine 5% and Resorcinol 2%), rub generous amount on affected area until absorbed
cover each red swollen area and small amount of surrounding area with clear nail polish, let dry.
take 2 25mg benadryl (or generic diphenhydramine equivalent), by mouth, every 4-6 hours as needed - will cause extreme drowsiness

The nail polish rubs off after a while and the cortisone/benzocaine stops keeping the itch at bay after a few hours (and generally as the benadryl wears off, too), so reapplication is key.

At least this afternoon I've gotten a decent amount of sleep - even through a thunderstorm! - and have been able to step back from the "OMG I NEED TO CHEW MY LEGS OFF AT THE ANKLES TO SURVIVE" precipice. I was teetering on the brink there, though.

Tropical Storm Alex seems destined to head right into central Mexico and miss the US completely. I feel bad for Mexico... they have hurricanes on each coast now. I'm just glad that the weather patterns are giving people more time to plan how to deal with a storm and all of the oil in the Gulf.

Benadryl's kicking in... nap time.

benadryl, allergies, mosquito bites, tropical storm, bug bites

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